Wow! Yesterday was Day 1 of Yoga Teacher Training with Michelle at It's All Yoga. A simple sentence that totally does not convey all the amazingness of the day. It also does not convey how totally exhausted and useless I was when I got home last night! I slept 10 hours and then, to my surprise, woke up totally refreshed and ready to go for Day 2!
A few juicy morsels from Day 1:
The way we stand is how we greet the world.
So much of our doing is undoing.
A question after we spent a good hour or so with the plumb line and finding our alignment/posture...
Why do we take a different stance when we are in Tadasana (tree pose)?
(as in, why aren't we always standing in alignment?)
There was so much to yesterday I am still mulling over. We had a lovely Circle in the beginning, a good basic practice so she could see where we were (from all stages of yoga practice and flexibility), some fun exercises in balance and posture, and a start to seated meditation.
My intention for the day was to be patient with myself. I was probably around 85% of the time. But it was interesting to me that I noticed when I was not being patient, breathed and reminded myself of my intention. It mostly worked.
Some things I noticed about myself (not new, just listed for my own awareness of them): my body doesn't like to sit for periods of time without having to change my leg position, my inflexibility issues come to my mind more than I want them to, my mind has a hard time quieting for meditation, and I was fidgety during savasana (corpse pose for final resting). Things to think about, things to work on... and probably (more from last post)... things to let go of.
Thank you for the window into Day 1, which I had to miss. All the reviews were valuable. It's sure a great opportunity to practice self-acceptance, ain't it. I agree with you there!